About Us

Welcome to PhilFARM!

Ang pinagsama-samang komunidad pang-agrikultura sa Pilipinas!

PhilFARM is the first integrated community of farmers, agriculturists, suppliers, organizations, producers, marketers, growers, breeders, cold supply chains, traders, meat processors, agri-tourists, horticulturists, agronomists, agri-financiers, investors and lenders, training institutes, and even agri-students.  Pioneering this community in the industry, we believe that agricultural advancement and progress should be a shared vision of both government and private sector.

Having knowledge, products and services to offer is not enough in the agricultural industry.  The reality of having a network of buyers, sellers, and end- users is an issue that confronts every producer and business enterprise. PhilFARM is here to assist you on achieving this endeavor.

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Our Vision

PhilFARM envisions to have a progressive, stable and prolific agriculture industry with the community members as contributory recipients.

Our Mission

  • To provide online support to the industry by bringing together people and groups and helping them take advantage of being part of the PhilFARM Community.
  • To help disseminate significant information and news helpful to PhilFARM Members through the resources posted on the website.
  • To serve as an avenue for the promotion of products and services by employing the use of PhilFARM Directory List .

The Philippine Agriculture is still a very lucrative sector, even more promising than it was during its so-called heydays.  But comparing to what it was before, the competition, both locally and internationally is stiffer if not almost  impenetrable now given the number of large market players and middlemen, to the detriment of small and medium participants.

PhilFARM will provide a platform to effectively market your products and services, connect you to proper channels, and introduce you to other agricultural members who can help you further your business through training and introduction of new agri-technologies and/or innovations. We will unleash the power of an online agricultural community with an end in mind of eventually reaping the fruits of established networks.

PhilFARM also has available resources on the website that may provide information on Government assistance and efforts.